Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Human Nature, or does it make us a little LESS human?

There were a couple issues for me and possibly others  that have come up since the horrible act of barbarism against the journalists at "Charlie" and the Jewish people at the Kosher market.     I, for one, did not know anything about Charlie magazine before this occurence.   Even though I don't think there is EVER an excuse to kill or terrorize anyone, I wanted to see what the issue was with this magazine.  So to educate myself I started looking around and unfortunately found the two disrespectful covers on Michael.  The magazine seems to be a rag in my opinion, poking fun at anyone and everyone many times in a cruel way, like with Michael.  Not really something I would ever read or support, to be honest.  However, there is freedom of speech and though I may not agree with what is being said, I will fight to defend it.

There are also those who attacked the Jews and the Jewish people after the attack on them.  That is so cruel.  The journalists and the Jewish people (again labeling, smh) are humans. In the words of Michael, since everything seems to come back to him, from the song,

"Can You Feel It?", 

'Spread the word and try to teach the man
Who's hating his brother
When hate won't do, ooh
'Cause we're all the same, yes
The blood inside of me is inside of you'

Too many people forget,  "the blood inside of me is inside of you",

This incident is reminiscent of the time when Joan Rivers and Robin Williams, passed.  I was not a fan of either one of them.  Not just because of their mean-spirited comments about Michael but their kind of comedy was not my thing.  I don't think there is ever a reason to kick someone when they are down or possibly have made the wrong choices in their life, even if it is something as simple as the clothes they chose to wear.  And definitely not if that is my line of work.  I don't want to have to earn money being mean to people. Bottom line is, I still felt very sad when both of them died.  Neither one of them deserved to die in the manner in which they did.

About a year or more ago, I was in the bookstore, as usual, ;) and I found a book to give to a student who assisted me in the library for graduation.  It was about kindness.  This student was the kindest young man I have ever come across.  The book was perfect for him and it was about living your life, including in your career with KINDNESS.   I think that is something we all forget quite often.  We as fans of the King of Kindness, Michael, should try hard to continue his legacy and live our lives in kindness.


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Last week on one of my many trips, to Barnes and Noble, I saw the new special edition of People out this month.   Briefly skimming it in line, I saw 2 pictures of Michael, plus he is on the cover, so I bought it.    Since then, I looked through it and read the captions on the pictures.

Initially positive...

"The scope of Michael Jackson's fame is like the idea of infinity:  hard to wrap your head around.  In 1984 alone, PEOPLE ran five covers, 73 photos and 33,205 words (we counted) on what seemed an unstoppable, untoppable creative tsunami.  The spotlight eventually shone on darker aspects of the King of Pop's Neverland empire, but the fascination with him never waned.  Even after 2009 death, it lives on."  Photographed by Dilip Mehta, 1991.

We are not only fascinated with Michael, we love and respect him. 

" The King of Pop wreaked havoc after a 1985 stop in London to unveil his wax lookalike at
 Madame Tussauds. 
 Michael Jackson was at the height of his fame:  The release of the album, Thriller, and his groundbreaking videos sent him into the stratosphere.  And then he moonwalked."

Everyone is entitled to their opinion.  I don't know that I feel that was the height of Michael's fame.  Was everything else downhill?  I don't think so.  I think he continued to get better and better.

Once I got home, and could read it thoroughly, I saw there was one more pic of Michael.  The mugshot.  And the reason there was a mugshot.  Not the accompanying verdict that he was found not guilty.  Sigh... I know I am extra-sensitive when it comes to Michael and that whole nightmare.

Was it necessary to include that?  No, it wasn't only Michael, there was a total of 19 celebrities and their mugshots.  Was it necessary to include any scandals of anyone?  I don't think so.  Why couldn't the editors just go with a positive edition, instead of adding all the negative?
